On June 11, 2021, the San Francisco Public Health Officer issued an Omnibus Rescission Order/Directive that rescinded all the Covid-restrictions on hosting imposed by the Lodging Facilities Directive. The lifting of restrictions is effective 12:01 am on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. This means that all the previous restrictions on short-term rentals imposed by the Lodging Facilities Directive will be gone from June 15 and Hosts can resume taking reservations without restrictions.
Masking, social distancing and indoor capacity restrictions imposed by the Stay-Safer-At-Home Order are also lifted by a Safer Return Together Order. Although this Order does not specifically apply to short-term rental settings, you should still read it carefully to familiarize yourself with the general safety conditions going forward.
Hosts should still pay attention to cleaning obligations, including those imposed by Airbnb’s 5 Step Enhanced Cleaning Process, but this represents a huge leap forward towards getting back to normal.