Create a listing

CAUTION: These instructions are still being validated….this page is currently a work in progress

Follow the screenshots to create a new account and listing on

You may get a workflow that allows you to import your airbnb listing, if so, choose that one, but make sure all the steps are complete

Create account.
NOTE: You will manage your listing through their “extranet” via: (bookmark the admin URL)

Click “Get started now->” If you’re already logged in, enter your email then continue otherwise login with your account.

Once you’ve confirmed your account, you can now create a listing.
NOTE: You may get 2 confirmation emails form–if so you need to click on both confirmation. If you don’t see the following screen look for another confirmation email.

Most San Francisco Hosts will use “hotel, B&bs, and more”property type.

Select the appropriate listing type. In San Francisco the most common are Homestay or Guest house:
Guest House: If you have a separate space that guests access like a master bedroom they get into through the patio instead of through the part of the house you stay in.
Homestay: If you rent rooms and share kitchens, bathrooms or other spaces. (this is the most common)

If you’re not sure, I would suggest home stay. This is also the best choice if you do whole home listing sometimes and rooms other times.
You will be able to create a master listing and then individual rooms.
This is handy because if you have multiple rooms available, people can book them together on This is a feature not available on Airbnb.

If you feel one of the other categories is more appropriate, choose the best one for your situation.

If you do rent the whole house sometimes, choose “Entire Place“. You will be able to add rooms later.
If you ONLY rent by the room, choose “A private room

Our example uses a single room, the flow should be similar if you’re creating multiple rooms.
The workflow should be in the order of the next few rows of example images

If you get a screen asking if you have a channel manager, you probably say no unless you use one such as

IMPORTANT: does NOT charge a guest service fee.
They charge the HOST the entire fee of 15-18%.
We recommend you set a price here that is 12-15% higher than your price on Airbnb in order to net the same per-room rate after host fees.

Just like Airbnb, it is recommended you offer a discount to the first few guests in order to kickstart reviews. and Airbnb will NOT cross post reviews, they are separate for each platform.

We recommend changing the cancellation policy on the standard rate plan.
Click “edit” and set your cancellation policy to what you want. The strictest is 30 days (there is a way later on you can make a super strict cancellation policy. For now, choose something that is the closest match to your Airbnb policy.

While Airbnb does “extra person” fees, does discounts from the max number of guests. You can turn this off, or you can raise your base price to account for the fewer number of guest discounts.
To turn this off click “edit” then click the slider to turn off the discounts.

Click “edit” next to Cancellation policy.

You have now completed the first room.
If you have additional rooms, click “Add another room”.
Otherwise, move on to photos.

You will do things with the photos later, so for now just upload all of them and select a main photo.

Additional setup:
Select NO for guest payment options–you will be opting into payments by (unless you want to handle the credit card payments–we advise you to let handle the payments)
Choose if you want ot be invoiced as a person, the room or a company. Most San Francisco hosts operate as a sole proprietor so they will choose their name and same address.
Enter your Short-Term-Rental permit info–if your registration is pending, that is an option in the drop down menu

First we need to sync calendar with your Airbnb, VRBO and other calendars to avoid double booking:

Go to your Airbnb listing and get your calendar URL from there, copy and paste it into

If you have a VRBO or other listings, keep adding calendar connections to link ALL your channels.
You will similarly need to add the calendar URL to Airbnb and anywhere else.

Lets verify a few things about the property. First select “general info”

Verify your property name, address and double check the lat/long to make sure your property pin is in the right spot.

Next Check the payment options. You need to opt in to payments by This will take you through a workflow required by stripe, the payment processor. It may take a couple days to get verified.
We recommend NOT opening your property until payments by is complete.

Once done, come back to the General Info screen and click “Open your property”

Lets add a cleaning fee

From the Property menu, choose “Policies”

Under “Additional fees & charges” click “edit
Add a cleaning fee and any other fees you wish to charge.